_hauptsaetze der komplexitaet | main_propositions of complexity
1. hauptsatz / 1. main_proposition
Komplexitaet als loesung nicht als problem verstehen.
To understand complexity as solution rather than as problem.
2. hauptsatz / 2. main_proposition
Loyalitaet gegenueber ereignissen in ihrer komplexitaet.
Loyality to the setting in its complexity.
3. hauptsatz / 3. main_proposition
Standardisierungen sind in dezisions_situationen unzureichend.
standardisations are inadaequat for decision_situations.
4. hauptsatz / 4. main_proposition
Verantwortung ist integraler bestandteil jedes einzelnen human_access zur welt.
Responsibility is an integral part of each individual human access in/to the world.
_title: hauptsaetze der komplexitaet | main_propositions of complexity
source: GeheimRat [1. is derived from: baecker, dirk 1994: postheroisches management, berlin.]
published: 2003
dsrc6_registration: 222023
security: © copyright protected. all rights reserved.
contact: contact@dsrc6.net
_location: http://www.dsrc6.net/222023.html
title: 222023.html
first secure: sat, 2003-10-18, 18:35 gmt +1:00
last modified: sat, 2003-10-18, 20:33 gmt +1:00
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